Channeling Linus…

Family, service, food, Christmas prep, Surprise party… what a Thanksgiving weekend!  Hope you are all enjoying this first week in December – on with the Hodgepodge!


1. Did you watch The Charlie Brown Christmas special Monday night? Who’s your favorite Peanuts character and why?

My favorite character is Linus (though some would say it should be Sally, because, well, she has an awesome name!). Linus is sweet – he is faithful – he is loyal… Love me some Linus.

“Most psychiatrists agree that sitting in a pumpkin patch is excellent therapy for a troubled mind.”~Linus  

Would you agree? 
Well, I don’t know about a pumpkin patch per say – I think that would be awfully prickly – but I think the point is just to get away where it is quiet and let your mind rest!  Definitely good for the soul.

2. Describe a sound from your childhood. What does this sound bring to mind? 

Any songs by John Denver, Glen Campbell, or the Beach Boys – those were the three cassette tapes we owned and would listen to them on our family car camping trips.
3. You’ve won a trip to a winter wonderland…would that excite you? Which one of the following would you most want to experience (or which one would you dislike the least)-see the Aurora Borealis in Norway, stay in Sweden’s Ice Hotel, go dogsledding in Lapland Finland, take a winter wildlife safari in Yellowstone or celebrate Winter Carnival in Quebec? 
I would love to go through Yellowstone in the winter!  Moose, Bison, Wolves… that place is so amazing!
4. Who or what keeps you humble? 
My husband and my children.  Without fail.
5. What part of preparing for Christmas do you like the most? Explain. 
I love thinking of special gifts for my family and friends, the anticipation of their response…
And of course, the smells of yummy food, laughter, the lights, and the music!
6. Gingerbread-yay or nay? Is making a gingerbread house part of your family holiday tradition?
I can take or leave gingerbread by itself, but yes, we always make a gingerbread house together!  Speaking of which… need to go get one!
7. What’s one thing you want to start, do, or complete before the calendar rolls into a new year? 
Lose 5 more pounds… think I can do it? 🙂
8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
Back in August my 14-year-old daughter went to church camp, and when she came in the door upon her return she promptly exclaimed “Hi Mom! I’m back!  I want to build a water well in India!”  (They talked about mission work at the camp!)  She has been so driven, and has held two garage sales, hosted charity home shows, donated her babysitting money, and in just 4 months has raised the $1200 needed to build one well, partnering with Harvest India!
And – she has received a generous offer from one donor, who will match anything she receives in December!  I’m so excited and proud of her – to think of others, to sacrifice her time and energy and babysitting money for this… If you would like to help her out, let me know and I will send you our mailing info!  I’m just so proud of her…
This is the logo she designed!  So proud of my girl!

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Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm a God loving, glass-is-half-full kind of woman who loves coffee, good chocolate, and walks on the beach. I've got three amazing kiddos and a hubby of 21 years who all keep me on my toes. An Air Force family for 14 years, we are now living in southern CA and slowly adjusting to life back in the "civilian" world. Our adventures are far from over, and life is not always easy, but we're in this together and God's got the ultimate plan, so who can ask for anything better than that?

5 thoughts on “Channeling Linus…”

  1. Hi, Sally. Yes, your namesake should be your favorite character, but it would mess up our twinniness. Linus is my boy. So proud of your daughter. Wow! A big heart of compassion she’s got. I’ll support her mission for sure! John Denver, huh? Yeah, me too. Did you watch that special on him a couple weeks ago?


  2. I love you! I am so proud of Middle C, too! Hit me up with some more details about her service project, please! Happy December!


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