Praying, and skating, through the Hodgepodge

Sorry friends, I know it has been a couple of weeks – but man oh man, has this week been a doozy!  So lets take a deep breath, set everything aside, and just join in on the Hodgepodge this week!


1.  Speaking of skating…when did you last ‘skate on thin ice’, ‘skate over the details’, ‘encounter a cheapskate’, or just plain skate?
Sadly, I had to not participate in my daughter’s ice skating expedition on her birthday a few weeks ago, my hip is just tempermental enough that I need to be cautious… blech.  Kinda met a cheapskate with someone last week who refused to pay for a test that needed to be done to determine fault on an issue… annoying, but it will work itself out.

2. What would you say is the biggest problem of people your age?

 I’m 42.  Biggest problem?  Being caught in the crossroads of raising babies and raising adults… of careers established and careers looming ahead… of youth behind and older age ahead… it’s a crossroads full of memories and anticipation, a mixture of joy and sorrow. Of wondering if they got everything right the first 20 years, and wondering what the next 20 will look like.  Finally being old enough to look to the past and say “I wish I…” and look ahead and say “I hope that I…”   The ultimate definition of bittersweet.

3. What’s your favorite accessory? Is it something you wear every day, often, or only on special occasions?
My favorite accessory, always, is my wedding ring!  Worn every day, all the time.  No words can describe how much I love it… and the man who gave it to me!

My second is my necklace that was given to me by my friend Martha last year – I love it, it goes with everything, and it makes me smile!  It’s a simple silver chain with two pendants – one, a pearl – the other, a pendant that says “He calls the stars by name”Love it, Love it, Love it.
4. January 20th is National Cheese Lover’s Day. Are you a lover of cheese? What’s your favorite dish made with cheese? Last thing you ate that contained some kind of cheese? 
Um, YEAH, I love cheese!  It’s what I craved when I was pregnant with my firstborn, and I’m pretty sure it’s what all meals will consist of in Heaven.  Just a haunch. (No insider info here, btw)  And I’m snacking on white cheddar cheese right now as I write this, with a glass of Chardonnay of course! (Which I’m also sure will be served in Heaven, just sayin…)
5. What’s something guaranteed to make you roll your eyes?
People who speak ignorantly about topics they really know nothing about.  Good grief… know when to speak and when to be silent!
6. Your favorite book series
Call me pre-pubescent, but I do love the Harry Potter Series.  Also, Anne of Green Gables.  And right now I’m getting into the Outlander series… oh my!!!
7. Why did you choose your profession? 
As a wife and mama?  Nothing more I wanted to do, really!  That’s my first and second job above all.  Thirdly, I’m the Receptionist and Administrator for Family Ministries at my church – and I absolutely love it.  The staff is incredible, the parishioners are wonderful, and I really do love my job… it brings out my communication skills, my ability to talk easily with people, and to be organized.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I was getting ready to do my Hodgepodge last Tuesday when I got a call.  My good friend Danielle, neighbor, and after-school-caregiver-of-my-son was in the hospital with a massive brain bleed.  She was put into a medically induced coma, and surgery was done to relive the pressure and bleeding.  Her husband called me at midnight – “The surgeon just kept saying he was sorry, a third of her brain is gone.”  She has no movement on the right side of her body.  My friend.  The mother of one of my son’s good friends.  She knows God… but her family?  I don’t think so.  Please pray, my friends.. that God’s will be done.  That no matter what, her family has no choice but to see God in all of this.  She is His princess… her sons are everything to her, her husband worships the ground she walks on, but she is God’s first and foremost.  We don’t know what the future holds… but we know Who holds the future.  Please pray.

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Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm a God loving, glass-is-half-full kind of woman who loves coffee, good chocolate, and walks on the beach. I've got three amazing kiddos and a hubby of 21 years who all keep me on my toes. An Air Force family for 14 years, we are now living in southern CA and slowly adjusting to life back in the "civilian" world. Our adventures are far from over, and life is not always easy, but we're in this together and God's got the ultimate plan, so who can ask for anything better than that?

9 thoughts on “Praying, and skating, through the Hodgepodge”

  1. #2. I hear that. #8. Praying so very hard…
    I love you and miss you…and your family…I wish I could see your faces, and join you in joys and sorrows and the praying for all good things……


  2. I have a feeling Harry Potter will be showing up a lot for that question! It was certainly the first series that I thought of when I saw it.

    Praying for your sweet friend and her family. How terrible. 😦


  3. I’ve seen a couple of posts quoting weddings rings for the accessory question. Like most people I would be lost without mine so I don’t really think of it as an accessory. More a necessity.
    I don’t care if there’s cheese in heaven or not as long as there’s red wine to go with it 😉

    Really sorry to hear of your friend. We never know what’s in store for us.


  4. Really insightful answer to #2 – I never really thought about being at a crossroads – but I really think you are right!

    And, I love your book series choices – HP and Anne of Green Gables are certainly two of my favorites!

    Lastly – I will continue praying for Danielle and her family. May God’s will be done and may He be glorified through this tragedy.
    Hugs to you, friend!!


  5. I agree with your eye rolling comment. Especially with politics, i just cannot bear to listen to any of it.
    I will be praying for your friend and her family. How very sad ;(


  6. That is so tragic about your friend. Will keep her in my prayers.
    I tried reading the Outlander series but couldn’t get into it. I need to try again.


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